Now in its fifth edition, this reliable resource continues to be a practical guide to identification and palpation of significant anatomical landmarks and structures. With a combination of clear text, drawings and photographs it helps the student to acquire knowledge of structures and movements palpable below the surface and to develop their tactile skills.
The new edition now incorporates educational aids such as full colour photographs and drawings along with access to an online resource of 100s of self-assessment questions which gives the student the opportunity to check their knowledge and receive feedback.
New to this edition
- Full colour throughout
- Enhanced photographs and artwork
- Self-assessment online via Elsevier’s Evolve Learning Resources - log on to to access:
- Over 140 drag and drop questions
- Just under 600 self-answer questions with feedback provided
- Bank of 250 images
Key Features
- Introductory chapter on the principles and practice of palpation vital to background study
- Step-by-step guide to identification and palpation of structures
- Facilitates learning by providing a clear and concise approach
- Offers basic information on accessory movements
Author Information
By Derek Field, Grad Dip Phys, FCSP, DipTP, SRP, Formerly Vice Principal, North London School of Physiotherapy, City University, London, UK and Jane Owen Hutchinson, MA(Ed), MCSP, SRP, Cert Ed, Dip TP, Dip Rehab Counselling, Manager, Allied Health Professions Support Service, Royal National Institute of Blind People, London, UK
1 Palpation: definition, application and practice Some definitions and concepts Palpation: some definitions General characteristics of palpation Touch Some general characteristics The physiology of touch The social significance of touch Touch and clinical practice Effects of palpation on the patient Patient and person The consultation process Techniques of palpation Improving the art of palpation Care of the hands Palpation of different tissues Summary
2 The upper limb Bones The pectoral region The clavicle The upper end of the humerus The scapula Anatomy Functional anatomy The elbow region Functional anatomy The wrist and hand Anterior, medial and lateral aspects Posterior aspect Functional anatomy Joints Joints of the pectoral girdle The sternoclavicular joint The acromioclavicular joint The shoulder joint Movements of the head of the humerus The elbow joint The radioulnar union The superior radioulnar joint The inferior radioulnar joint The mid radioular union The wrist (radiocarpal) joint The hand The intercarpal joints The carpometacarpal joints The intermetacarpal joints The metacarpophalangeal joints The interphalangeal joints Muscles The muscles that move the arm Deltoid Pectoralis major Biceps brachii Brachialis Triceps Latissimus dorsi Coracobrachialis The posterior aspect of the scapula The anterior aspect of the forearm and wrist The posterior aspect of the forearm and wristThe anterior aspect of the hand The posterior aspect of the handNerves Arteries Important preliminary notes Branches of the radial and ulnar arteries Veins Superficial drainage
3 The lower limb Bones The hip region The knee region Anterior aspect Medial aspect Lateral aspect Posterior aspect The ankle region The lower end of the tibia The lower end of the fibula The talus Anterior aspect Posterior aspect The calcaneus The foot Dorsal aspectPlantar aspect Joints The sacroiliac joint Structure The hip joint The knee joint Functional anatomy The tibiofibular union The superior tibiofibular joint The inferior tibiofibular joint The ankle joint The foot The talocalcaneal (subtalar) joint The talocalcaneonavicular joint The calcaneocuboid joint The cuboideonavicular joint The midtarsal joint The cuneonavicular and intercuneiform joints The tarsometatarsal joints The intermetatarsal joints The metatarsophalangeal joints The interphalangeal joints Muscles The lateral and anterior aspect of the hip Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and tensor fasciae latae Iliopsoas and pectineus The posterior aspect of the hip and thigh Gluteus maximus The hamstrings The anterior and medial aspects of the thigh The adductors and quadriceps femoris The anterior and lateral aspects of the leg and foot Peroneus tertius 137The posterior and plantar aspects of the leg and foot Triceps surae (calf) Tibialis posterior The peronei: peroneus longus and brevis The plantar muscles Nerves Arteries Veins The deep veins The superficial veins
4 The head and neck Bones The skull Superior aspect Posterior aspect Anterior aspect Lateral aspect The neck Anterior aspect Posterior aspect Lateral aspect Joints The skull The temporomandibular joint The cervical spine Anterior aspect of the neck Muscles Muscles of facial expression Muscles of mastication Muscles of the neck Nerves Arteries Veins
5 The thorax Bones The thoracic cage The sternum The clavicle and scapula The vertebrae The ribs Joints The thoracic vertebral column The joints of the anterior end of the ribs The costochondral joints The sternocostal (chondrosternal) joints Joints of the sternum Muscles The anterior aspect of the chest Pectoralis major Biceps brachii and coracobrachialis The posterior aspect of the chest Trapezius Levator scapulae, rhomboid major and rhomboid minor Supraspinatus and infraspinatus Teres major and latissimus dorsi Serratus anterior The diaphragm Nerves Structures within the thoracic cage The lungs The fissures of the lungs The heart Function Major arteriesThe aorta The brachiocephalic, left common carotid and left subclavian arteries Veins Outline of the venous network
6 The abdomen Bones The thoracic outlet The pelvic girdle The lumbar vertebrae The sacrum The coccyx Joints The lumbar spine The pelvis The sacroiliac joint The pubic symphysis Muscles Nerves The thoracic nerves The lumbar plexus The sacral plexus Arteries Veins Structures within the abdominal cavity General locations and overview The liver The spleen The pancreas The gall bladder The stomach The duodenum The small intestine The caecum The large intestine (large bowel) The kidneys The bladder
7 Conclusion
References and further reading