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Home Health Nursing, 4th Edition

Assessment and Care Planning
Author :
Karen E. Monks
Date of Publication: 11/2002
This unique, spiral-bound handbook is compact, portable, and written with busy home health nurses in mind! Organized by body system, it offers instant advice on assessment and care planning for the disorders home health nurses are likely to encounter ...view more
This unique, spiral-bound handbook is compact, portable, and written with busy home health nurses in mind! Organized by body system, it offers instant advice on assessment and care planning for the disorders home health nurses are likely to encounter. Providing assessment guides for all body systems, the home environment, and the client’s psychological status, it includes full care plans for over 50 illnesses and conditions most commonly encountered in the home. Each plan lists nursing diagnoses, short- and long-term expected outcomes, nursing interventions, and client caregiver interventions.
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This unique, spiral-bound handbook is compact, portable, and written with busy home health nurses in mind! Organized by body system, it offers instant advice on assessment and care planning for the disorders home health nurses are likely to encounter. Providing assessment guides for all body systems, the home environment, and the client’s psychological status, it includes full care plans for over 50 illnesses and conditions most commonly encountered in the home. Each plan lists nursing diagnoses, short- and long-term expected outcomes, nursing interventions, and client caregiver interventions.

New to this edition
  • Related OASIS items are identified in the assessment section, and ICD-9 diagnostic codes in the care plans section assist with proper home care documentation.
  • Visit frequency and duration schedules are suggested within each care plan to assist nurses in evaluating and planning care.
  • NANDA nursing diagnoses are consistent with the latest 2001-2002 nomenclature.
  • An increase in suggested therapy referrals within the care plans and in a new appendix helps nurses identify indicators for specialized services.
  • A fully updated Resources Appendix includes websites for easy access to home health service information.

Key Features
  • Care plans are organized by body systems to allow for quick retrieval of information.
  • Both short-term and long-term outcomes are included in the care plans to aid evaluation of the care provided.
  • Detailed assessment guidelines are provided for all body systems to facilitate complete and comprehensive client examinations.
  • Guidelines for environmental and safety assessments aid in the appraisal and improvement of clients' living conditions.
  • Client and caregiver interventions are outlined in the care plans to promote active client participation in self-care.
  • The convenient pocket size makes transportation and use convenient to home health nurses.
  • Appendices on documentation guidelines, laboratory values, medication administration, home care resources, and standard precautions provide quick access to useful home care information.

Author Information
By Karen E. Monks, MSN, RN, Recruitment Staff Development Specialist, Yuma Regional Home Care, Yuma, AZ