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Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 5th Edition

Husbandry, Clinical Procedures, Surgical Procedures, and Common Diseases
Author :
Kristin J. Holtgrew-Bohling
Date of Publication: 09/2023
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Veterinary Nursing & Technology**Get the big picture on the vet tech’s role and responsibilities in large animal care! A practical, compre ...view more

**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Veterinary Nursing & Technology**

Get the big picture on the vet tech’s role and responsibilities in large animal care! A practical, comprehensive guide, Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 5th Edition describes how to set up, assist, and follow through on medical procedures and treatment regimens for domestic livestock. The book begins with an overview of livestock handling, reproduction, and nutrition, along with the skills required in hospital management. Following are separate sections on horses, cattle, sheep and goats, llamas and alpacas, swine, and poultry, with each section including chapters examining husbandry, clinical and surgical procedures, and common diseases. Written by expert clinician and vet tech educator Kristin Holtgrew-Bohling, this text provides an ideal study tool in preparing for the VTNE® and for everyday practice.

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**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Veterinary Nursing & Technology**

Get the big picture on the vet tech’s role and responsibilities in large animal care! A practical, comprehensive guide, Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 5th Edition describes how to set up, assist, and follow through on medical procedures and treatment regimens for domestic livestock. The book begins with an overview of livestock handling, reproduction, and nutrition, along with the skills required in hospital management. Following are separate sections on horses, cattle, sheep and goats, llamas and alpacas, swine, and poultry, with each section including chapters examining husbandry, clinical and surgical procedures, and common diseases. Written by expert clinician and vet tech educator Kristin Holtgrew-Bohling, this text provides an ideal study tool in preparing for the VTNE® and for everyday practice.

New to this edition
  • NEW! Coverage of animal care includes care in small-scale and hobby farm settings, fear-free care, and IV catheter maintenance.
  • NEW! Updated information includes illegal drugs, remote delivery devices, nutrition and environmental enrichment for each species, carcass removal information, breeding soundness exam information for bulls, poisonous plants and other toxins, needle disposal and broken needle guidelines, sedation protocols, dehydration tables for calves, and more.
  • NEW! Updated images, case studies, step-by-step procedures, disease information, and terminology ensure that you have the most current information.
  • NEW! Updated test questions and chapter quizzes on the Evolve website make it easier to study, review, and remember difficult subject matter.

Key Features
  • Comprehensive large animal coverage is specifically tailored to the needs of veterinary technician students.
  • Coverage of the essential large animal-related tasks in the CVTEA Manual of Accreditation for Veterinary Technology Programs prepares you to pass the Veterinary Technology National Exam (VTNE®).
  • Step-by-step procedures explain how and why a clinical procedure is performed, and the roles that you fill in preparing for, assisting in, and following up the procedure.
  • "How-to" chapters within each species section examine husbandry, clinical procedures, surgical procedures, and common diseases — so veterinary technicians, acting under instructions of veterinarians, can plan and follow through on procedures and treatment regimens for large animals.
  • Evolve website includes quizzes, images, and reference materials to reinforce understanding.
  • Full-color photographs and line drawings show step-by-step procedures in areas such as restraint, bandaging, physical examination techniques, and diagnostic procedures.
  • Coverage of husbandry and breeds demonstrates how day-to-day housing and feeding affect the care of many large animal diseases, and also helps you provide quality client education.
  • Livestock Industry section provides an overview of safety and handling, reproduction, and nutrition, so you can better understand the practices, procedures, and decisions in large animal veterinary medicine.
  • Learning features enhance critical thinking and decision making with case studies, clinical applications, key terms, chapter outlines, learning objectives, and Technician Notes.

Author Information
By Kristin J. Holtgrew-Bohling, DVM, LVT, RLATG, Instructor, Veterinary Technology Program, Vatterott College, Omaha, NE and Iowa State University/ University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Professional Program of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2014