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Management of Acute and Chronic Neck Pain, 1st Edition

An Evidence-based Approach
Authors :
Nikolai Bogduk & Brian McGuirk
Date of Publication: 07/2006
Until recently most attention was focussed on low back pain but now the key area of interest for new research is neck pain and related headache often associated with whiplash or poor posture in working environments such as using computers. This book ...view more
Until recently most attention was focussed on low back pain but now the key area of interest for new research is neck pain and related headache often associated with whiplash or poor posture in working environments such as using computers. This book presents the latest research findings and gives recommendations and guidelines on how to relate those findings to the prevention and management of neck pain. It also points the way of areas where more research is needed.
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Until recently most attention was focussed on low back pain but now the key area of interest for new research is neck pain and related headache often associated with whiplash or poor posture in working environments such as using computers. This book presents the latest research findings and gives recommendations and guidelines on how to relate those findings to the prevention and management of neck pain. It also points the way of areas where more research is needed.

Key Features
  • New volume in an established series conceived and commissioned by Sir Patrick Wall and companion to an existing title in the series by the same authors
  • Compiled and edited by two extremely well known names in the field of research into musculoskeletal pain its management and prevention
  • Clinically relevant and research based. Of multiprofessional interest and relevance.
  • Fully up to the minute - based on the very latest research.

  • Author Information
    By Nikolai Bogduk, BSc(Med) MB BS MD PhD DSc DipAnat DipPainMed FAFRM FAFMM FFPM(ANZCA), Emeritus Professor; Conjoint Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy (Anatomy), Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle, Australia and Brian McGuirk, MB, BS, DPH, FAFOM, FAFMM, Senior Staff Specialist in Musculoskeletal Occupational Medicine, Hunter New England Area Health Service, Department of Clinical Research, Royal Newcastle Hospital, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia