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Managing Risk in Community Practice, 1st Edition

Nursing, risk and decision making
Author :
Andy Alaszewski
Date of Publication: 10/2000
This book will providean accessible account of the key issues involved in risk assessment and management. It will focus on how nurses make decisions about clients and risk, which are essential to quality, safe nursing care. It will draw extensively o ...view more
This book will providean accessible account of the key issues involved in risk assessment and management. It will focus on how nurses make decisions about clients and risk, which are essential to quality, safe nursing care. It will draw extensively on case study material gained through research in this area which the authors have undertaken and was commissioned by the English National Board, and will be likely to form the basis for educational requirements in this area in the future.
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This book will providean accessible account of the key issues involved in risk assessment and management. It will focus on how nurses make decisions about clients and risk, which are essential to quality, safe nursing care. It will draw extensively on case study material gained through research in this area which the authors have undertaken and was commissioned by the English National Board, and will be likely to form the basis for educational requirements in this area in the future.

Key Features
  • Leading author in this field
  • Link to ENB research which will be used as basis for educational developments in this area
  • Case studies from research provide 'real life' examples from practice
  • Drawn from 3 main areas for nursing risk management i.e. Mental health, learning disabilities, and care of the elderly
  • Reflect multi-professional context of risk

  • Author Information
    By Andy Alaszewski, BA MA PhD HonMFPHM, Professor of Health Studies Centre for Health Services Studies University of Kent Canterbury UK