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Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 2nd Edition

Author :
Julia Kneale
Date of Publication: 09/2004
Building on the success of the first edition, this edition brings together pertinent issues related to orthopaedic and trauma nursing, exploring the implications for practice and the evidence basis for clinical decisions.This text, compiled by a team ...view more
Building on the success of the first edition, this edition brings together pertinent issues related to orthopaedic and trauma nursing, exploring the implications for practice and the evidence basis for clinical decisions.This text, compiled by a team of lecturers and experienced practitioners within the field, reflects the variety of adult and paediatric clinical settings where orthopaedic and trauma nurses work, including acute wards, clinics, community hospitals, nursing homes and patients' homesThis book provides a comprehensive reference text aimed at
  • orthopaedic and trauma practitioners
  • those in or developing specialist roles in orthopaedics and trauma
  • undergraduate students on orthopaedic related courses
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    Building on the success of the first edition, this edition brings together pertinent issues related to orthopaedic and trauma nursing, exploring the implications for practice and the evidence basis for clinical decisions.This text, compiled by a team of lecturers and experienced practitioners within the field, reflects the variety of adult and paediatric clinical settings where orthopaedic and trauma nurses work, including acute wards, clinics, community hospitals, nursing homes and patients' homesThis book provides a comprehensive reference text aimed at
  • orthopaedic and trauma practitioners
  • those in or developing specialist roles in orthopaedics and trauma
  • undergraduate students on orthopaedic related courses

  • New to this edition
  • The addition of musculoskeletal trauma enhances the orthopaedic nursing focus
  • New chapters on nutrition, skeletal infections, patient admission, children and adolescent care, osteoporosis, spinal cord injuries, nerve injuries, pelvic injuries, sports injuries and over use injuries
  • Concentration throughout the text on orthopaedics across the life-span (1E was adults only)
  • New diagrams to add to the excellent ones found in 1E

  • Key Features
  • Addresses the rationales and evidence for nursing practice, provides a sound basis for clinical decision-making based on current knowledge and understanding
  • An essential text focusing on nursing care and patient management, which reflects current practice at national and local levels
  • Comprehensive reference lists and additional reading lists provide valuable resources for readers

  • Author Information
    By Julia Kneale, BSc(Hons), RN, RNT, WNB219, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Greenbank, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK