Surgical Clinics of North America has kept surgeons informed on the latest techniques from leading surgical centers
worldwide. Each bimonthly issue (February, April, June, August, October, and December) is devoted to a single topic relevant to the busy
surgeon, with articles written by experts in the field. Case studies and complete references are also included to give you the most thorough
data you need to stay on top of your practice. Topics include general surgery, alimentary surgery, abdominal surgery, critical care surgery,
trauma surgery, endocrine surgery, breast cancer surgery, transplantation, pediatric surgery, and vascular surgery. Clinics of North America <P><IT><B>Surgical Clinics of North America</B></IT> has kept surgeons informed on the latest techniques from leading surgical centers
worldwide. Each bimonthly issue (February, April, June, August, October, and December) is devoted to a single topic relevant to the busy
surgeon, with articles written by experts in the field. Case studies and complete references are also included to give you the most thorough
data you need to stay on top of your practice. Topics include general surgery, alimentary surgery, abdominal surgery, critical care surgery,
trauma surgery, endocrine surgery, breast cancer surgery, transplantation, pediatric surgery, and vascular surgery.
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